1 Corinthians

Relevant instruction for the modern church from an ancient church’s example. Come and learn what God intended for His church, the Gospel in the believer’s life, and His calling upon us to walk in holiness.


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Sermon Preview for Sunday, May 12, 2024

The things God accomplishes are always higher and greater than anything man could ever do on their own. When God brings forth the growth from the plant it grows 100-fold. When God builds the building it becomes a temple where His Spirit dwells. Where God sends forth His word through His called preacher it lands on hearts who have already been tilled and worked by His Spirit creating “good soil”. Man’s attempt at recreating God’s work, or imitating God’s work always pales in comparison to the real and true thing. You and I have been created by our Creator, male and female He created us, and only male and female did He create us in His image. We have all sinned against Him, gone astray after our own ways, rebelling against His design and His perfect will. In light of this fact the greatest place for us to be is surrendered in repentance before our Creator. We plead with Him for the forgiveness of our sin, and when we do He always responds in mercy, grace, and forgiveness. We must remain surrendered to Him through humble submission and obedience. Today is the day you bow before the Creator calling you and give him your life. Let him take over your growth, your construction, let Him build the building of your life. What He can make through the presence of the Holy Spirit is a Temple of the Almighty God.

Sermon Preview for Sunday, May 5, 2024

There is an eternal difference between human beings, God’s pinnacle creation, and God, the Creator. This difference is detailed distinctly in Isaiah 55 verse 9, but it can also be clearly seen by looking at the basic things of life. Unfortunately, the story told to us in Genesis 11 is still underway today. We are in a daily effort to take over the very things that clearly belong to the Creator and claim as our own. This pursuit only amounts to wishful thinking and fantasy. For example, the planted seed growing and producing fruit. This is God’s property. Men and women have only discovered this process, studied the process carefully, and learned the activities we can do to be most conducive to growing the most of what we want, where we want it to grow. This is what we call the agriculture industry, or farming. God was so detailed in creating this process he even put into the DNA of the seeds and characteristics of his creation wonderful ways for seeds to spread and plant themselves. These seeds do not need the intervention of man to spread and grow on their own. How often do we take something God created, put our effort into it, and then make ourselves puffed up by believing it is our property? Here in 1 Corinthians Paul uses this very process of agriculture to show a very important point about His work in salvation. Servants of God, study Him, go and be faithful to the things He teaches us to do for salvation in us and others around us, and when it is all said and done bring honor to the one who gives the growth.