What are
your next steps?


This year presents a fantastic opportunity to evaluate your commitment to growing the Kingdom of God here at FBC Atwater. The Lord has gifted us each with different talents and passions and we have many ways for you to be involved in serving our Lord and others with those gifts. There are many ministries that welcome involvement and support but just to name a few would be our children’s ministry, the youth ministry, the prayer ministry and God’s pantry. We as a church exist to make disciples of Jesus Christ and we here at FBC Atwater love to come along side you in serving Him. Please take time to pray and be obedient to the leading fo the Holy Spirit. If you have questions or want to be connected with a ministry leader, please email, or contact the church office at (209) 358-3545 May God bless our service to Him this year!

Jesus As Savior

Your salvation begins in the heart of God. He loves you, as you are, without you earning one bit of it, and completely unconditionally. Jesus says all who know they have sinned and turn from their sin, know Jesus loves them, died for them and commit to a life following Him, have the certainty of their salvation. At FBC Atwater we help these Truths become real to you through preaching and teaching the Gospel and standing by ready to help all those who desire to know Jesus in this way. (Romans 3 and 8)

Baptism: First Step of Obedience

All believers in Christ are marked by two ordinances of the church; Communion and Baptism. When we are fully immersed under water it serves as an outward symbol of what has happened inside our hearts. At FBC Atwater we have classes that provide more information on this or you can schedule a time to speak with the Pastor regarding this topic. (Matthew 3)

Continued submission to Him in Relationship

Baptism is not the final step of obedience. It is merely the first step of obedience. Baptism is actually a public profession that it won’t be the last time one will obey Christ. Thus an intentional and committed decision to study God’s word and obey what He tells us is the next step. When we rise out of the waters of baptism we rise into new life governed by God’s word. FBC Atwater preaches and teaches the Word of God, and many stand ready and available to answer any questions on it. (Philippians 1-3)

Discipleship Training

Discipleship is an intentional in depth study and application of God’s word for the purpose of developing a new life that is created in the likeness of Jesus. Through discipleship we grow in our knowledge of God, ability to follow God, and understanding of who God is and why He does what He does. At FBC Atwater we offer many discipleship classes at different days and times of the week. All are welcome!
(Psalm 119)

Church Membership

Second in importance spiritually speaking to having a relationship with Jesus Christ is the people we surround ourselves with as we live out that relationship with Jesus Christ. God is concerned with the intentional, willing accountability only offered through other believers who are walking the same road as you. He desires for us to live life together in order to strengthen each other and stand stronger together. FBC Atwater provides a safe place to grow in Christ alongside loving disciples of Jesus who want all to know Him.
(Acts 2)

Service in His Name

A disciple of Jesus Christ is only so to the fullest degree as he or she begins to minister and serve the Kingdom of God as Jesus did. The church is not merely a place to belong to, it should be an avenue for service to the glory of God. All of us have been called to a missionary lifestyle helping those around us grow closer to Christ. FBC Atwater offers many different areas of challenging service designed to provide an opportunity for you to grow in Christ as you implement your calling for His Kingdom. (1 Corinthians 12-14)